Create & Learn

Today Lights Tomorrow MRVTVProduce a Show

MRVTV’s mission is to provide persons living within the Waitsfield Cable veiwing area access to the airwaves and our online platforms by becoming active MRVTV Volunteer Producers. MRVTV will train you….. no previous experience is needed! Let us show you how to use the cameras, audio equipment and even begin showing you the basics of non-liner editing (iMovie or Final Cut Express). Visit this page to learn more.

Submit a Video For YouTube

MRVTV is seeking content for it’s YouTube channel and we would love to see your videos! The videos can be based on your hobbies or interests and we are also seeking videos on community events, library talks, lectures, etc. Visit this page to learn more.

Post Announcement on TV

Have your Not-For-Profit, Non-Commercial Community Announcement on Channel 44’s Bulletin Board. Notices regarding lost pets are also accepted. Fill out the form on this page and the information will be posted as soon as possible.

Let MRVTV Videotape & Document Your Event

Mad River Valley Television’s mission is to provide equipment, training and airtime to community members and organizations to express their views, opinions, interests and to document their lectures and events for archival purposes. Visit this page to learn more.

Production Services

Mad River Valley TV provides complete video production services at affordable rates. We work closely with our clients to develop, script, shoot and edit their project. All projects must abide by our non-commercial standards and not contain any calls to action or promotional content. Learn more here.